
沈玉宁,非洲语言学文学硕士,汉堡大学博士候选人,浙江师范大学非洲研究院的特聘研究员。中山大学德语本科毕业,接着在德国汉堡大学分别完成非洲语言学本科和硕士学业,正在完成留基委的全奖博士项目“语料库为基础的东部班图语分类研究”。虽然也借助编程语言试图使非洲语言学研究更有效率,但对大数据、机器学习(特别是无人控的学习)等概念极度谨慎。编写过一本斯瓦希里语(东非、中非最重要的交际语言)翻译成汉语的词典。有时也在线上教斯瓦希里语。 ynshen@outlook.com WeChat(/qq):1418779063 Google Translate Shen Yuning, Master of Arts in African Linguistics, PhD candidate at the University of Hamburg. Graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University with a bachelor’s degree in German, and then completed a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in African linguistics at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He is completing the full-clinical … Continue reading 关于